Happy Thanksgiving 2020.
As the nation continues its adaptation to life during Covid-19 and our current election results; I want to say Holas!
Thanksgiving is upon us. We will celebrate this generous holiday in brand new ways.
This is our first holiday in the Covid-19 pandemic.
I hope you spend the holiday with extra special, loving folks! As gatherings will be limited in size.
My “Mama from The Bronx Chopped Liver Stuffing Recipe” is a very delicious and “good vibe” packed episode.
I remember as if it were yesterday when I sampled my very first stuffing. It was a Christmas holiday and my grandmothers’ house. This was in the 60’s. Everything was very old school. Including the food preparation in my family’s kitchen.
It is only recently that I incorporated this stuffing recipe into my healthy Latin cooking portfolio.
As time has passed as a weight loss chef, more and more remembrances of all different recipes have come into my Puerto Rican diva mind. This is one of them.
I have said this before and will say it again especially now at a time where family health and unity is more important than ever.
My gratitude to the women in my family that brought so much warmth and joy through cooking. Through the sharing of meals. Especially during the holidays.
Enjoy this episode of Mama from The Bronx Chopped Liver Stuffing Recipe” this Thanksgiving holiday.
Wishing you all health and safety always